Enlightened Leadership Blog

Thoughts to Promote Growth

In addition to running her consulting business, Jennifer shares her big business experience through content created for JLM & Associates Consulting's Enlightened Leadership Blog. In 2023, Jennifer expanded the Blog to include insights from award-winning author and small business owner Cortney Donelson.

Visit us here to stay up to date with Jennifer and Cortney's latest works.

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JLM & Associates Consulting, LLC

More Voices and Stories Meet Cortney

Cortney Donelson is a small business owner and award-winning author. As founder and principal writer at vocem LLC (Latin for "voice"), Cortney offers ghostwriting and editing services with the mission of giving voice to stories that matter. Her own books include a memoir, a faith-based book, and a mystery/crime novel called The Billionaire's List. When she's not writing or reading, she's traveling, hiking, and paddle boarding with her family.

Cortney Donelson Headshot for website option 1

Enlightened Leadership Blog | Teaching Your Teen How to Communicate through Writing | August 2024

By Cortney Donelson

The most recent year I can find comprehensive writing statistics related to teenagers is 2019. That’s half a decade ago. Today, a simple online search reveals pages of statistics on teenagers and their use of social media,…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | How to See Beyond Transactions in Business | July 2024

By Jennifer Musser

Have you ever felt you were just another transaction to a business? Money in. Good or services out. It doesn’t have to feel this way. The meaningful impact happens when we prioritize genuine connections beyond transactions. Sometimes…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | How Books Bolster Business Development | June 2024

By Cortney Donelson

In today’s competitive climate, entrepreneurs and small business owners must continually seek unique strategies to stand out and succeed. A book can be an excellent tool for branding and marketing your business and support your efforts to…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | Supercharge Your Business: The Power of Brainstorming to Drive Innovation and Success | May 2024

By Jennifer Musser

Are you ready to propel your business to new heights of success?  Before a recent brainstorming session, I reached for one of my “keeper” resources: Hal Gregersen’s March-April 2018 Harvard Business Review article, “Better Brainstorming Focus on questions, not answers, for breakthrough insights.”  The article…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | Pro Tips for Writing Well in Your Pro World | April 2024

By Cortney Donelson

No matter what kind of entrepreneur you are and no matter the industry in which you work, the chances you write often are high. More than high. I’ll bet you spend a portion of every day writing.…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | Get to Know Jennifer Musser: How Learning and Life Shape My Entrepreneurial Spirit | March 2024

By Cortney Donelson

An Interview with Cortney Donelson This month, we go behind the scenes with Jennifer Musser, the founder and owner of JLM & Associates Consulting. We live real lives filled with visions and realities just like you.  Okay,…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | Get to Know Cortney Donelson: How Wordle, Chai Lattes, Faith & Family Shape My Entrepreneurial Spirit | February 2024

By An Interview with Jennifer Musser

Trust is born through relationship. It’s time we get to know each other a little better. This month, we’re taking a deeper dive into “Who is Cortney Donelson.” Next month, you’ll learn more about Jennifer Musser. We hope…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | 5 Things to Know to Lead a Purpose-Driven Business | January 2024

By Jennifer Musser

Have you ever thought about purpose in the context of your business? Purpose can be quite inspiring, interesting, and innovating. Purpose gets you out of bed easily in the morning even when you are tired; it gives…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | Not Just Another Gratitude Blog Post | December 2023

By Cortney Donelson

This morning, I counted seven emails in my inbox with the words gratitude, thank you, grateful, or Thanksgiving in the subject lines. (The rest mentioned Black Friday sales—I’m writing this on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.) We’ve entered…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | How to Save Money Now | November 2023

By Jennifer Musser

Do you ever look at rising costs and feel frustrated? Feeling frustrated isn’t much of an action plan. Business leaders must take critical steps to be resilient while facing economic pressures, managing increased costs, and maintaining loyal…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | What is Ghostwriting? | October 2023

By Cortney Donelson

Whether you’ve heard of ghostwriting before or not, the term itself conjures up the perfect image for the Halloween season. A ghost is often thought of as a translucent or white wisp of a form that comes…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | Business Book Recommendation for You | September 2023

By Jennifer Musser

Recently, I was doing end of summer organization during which I ended up revisiting a few good business books.  Then, Culture Hacks by Colin D. Ellis caught my attention since many folks are returning to the office,…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | 10 Pro-Tips for Effective Self-Editing for Business Owners | August 2023

By Cortney Donelson

A moment of honesty, if I may? (Thank you.)  If I see headlines while I’m scrolling through news feeds, blogs, or online magazines that intimate there are lists within the stories or articles, I get excited. Lists…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | How Collaboration is Contagious | July 2023

By Jennifer Musser

Negativity or positivity can spread among a group. How about collaboration? In last month’s blog post “How Collaboration between Small Businesses Leads to Growth”, Cortney Donelson, founder of vocem, LLC (yourvocem.com), shared one of her own experiences…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | How Collaboration between Small Businesses Leads to Growth | June 2023

By Cortney Donelson

My opponent glared at me from across the net. Kelly was a senior; I was a freshman, having just stepped onto campus and unpacked my belongings into my dorm room the day before. On the blue-painted college…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | Three Key Factors About Sponsorship Opportunities | May 2023

By Jennifer Musser

Business owners have access to many different sponsorship opportunities. How do you know when to sign up and when to pass? Think (without overthinking) about the type of sponsorship and some key factors before you commit to…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | Writing Tips for Entrepreneurs | April 2023

By Cortney Donelson

The greatest leader I know is a storyteller. People have gathered around him for years as he shares tales from his professional and personal life. His animated voice and the belly laugh that causes his eyes to…

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Enlightened Leadership Blog | How to Use LinkedIn to Connect to Grow | March 2023

By Jennifer Musser

Do you run your own business? Are you on LinkedIn? Good. If you aren’t, then join the network today. Why? Because you are missing out on potential connections and information that could help you grow your business. …

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Enlightened Leadership Blog Stories Connect Us February 2023

By Cortney Donelson

What gives humanity the capability to engage, learn, bond, discern, and grow like no other being on earth? The answer is the soul. Our souls comprise our thoughts, feelings, and will, or choices. Some people call the…

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A woman doing yoga at a beach on a yoga mat

Enlightened Leadership Blog | Similarities Between Running a Business and Working Out | January 2023

By Jennifer Musser

What similarities do running a business and exercising share? A few. Let’s bend our minds to explore the top five related action items: First, be honest with yourself by asking, Is my intention to stay in my…

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Contact Jennifer

To explore writing or promotional inquires, reach out to Jennifer via email. Follow @jlmaconsulting on Instagram to learn more.

Contact Jennifer

To explore writing or promotional inquires, reach out to Jennifer via email. Follow @jlmaconsulting on Instagram to learn more.

JLM & Associates Consulting, LLC

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