Enlightened Leadership Blog | What Does Music Have to Do with It? | November 2024
Do you listen to music to reset your mood, inspire creativity, or evoke emotion?
Music is part of me. I can recall songs I listened to during a certain life stage. When I work, write, or exercise, music is playing. Recently, while listening to one of my playlists, I formed connections about how business leaders can tap into their inner rockstar to keep evolving and giving audiences a sense of belonging and satisfaction.
Here are five key connections I made and the business application to each:
Connect with Others
Legendary rock musicians have unique gifts they share with the world. Beyond that, they have connected through their music for decades. They connect with their fans, audiences at their live shows, other musicians, collaborators, industry experts, and media. As a result, we have bought albums, tickets, VIP packages, collectible souvenirs, and merchandise.
The legendary rock stars understand that the business of music isn’t all about public image, money, and fame. It’s about encouraging others to feel connected, to feel they belong,
Business Application: Identify your audience and connect with them. If you treat people like monetary transactions, don’t expect them to stick around to buy your next album. Invest energy in your audience. What do they like? What do they want to do? What solutions do they seek? What do they want to feel? Use your expertise and creativity to give it to them.
Channel the Music
Musicians “download” their creative gifts when they write lyrics and music, record an album, and perform. As their audience, we can tune into musical creations and enjoy an outlet. We can feel the emotional delivery and escapism they create. Common lyrical themes include change, dreams, doubt, freedom, innocence, loss, optimism, perseverance, realizations, relationships, second chances, and general life.
Some leave a legacy. For example, Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” resurfaces around Halloween each year, and is even part of the New York City Village Halloween parade. “Thriller” was more than a song; it had a creative (eerie) vibe with choreography, outfits, and an elaborate music video.
Legendary musicians channel their gifts; we channel their music. As a result, we are channeling feelings and belonging.
Business Application: Tune into your creativity. How can you “download” your creative gifts as a business leader to give your customers a product or service they want? How can you deliver more of what customers want to feel? How are you relatable? How can you keep your audience interested? How can you go all in for your customers?
Build Loyalty
Talented musicians who build impressive global fan bases build loyalty. They create and connect at an expert level. Whether you like Taylor Swift or not, she has built a loyal global fan base. She has achieved mass appeal from lipstick to music to dating to clothing. She works at this with a skilled team to support and execute her innovative strategies.
Which musicians do you perceive to be relatable? What is your go-to music to evoke memories from specific times? Who are your favorite artists? What songs do you listen to repeatedly? What makes you a loyal listener who comes back for more?
Business Application: Loyalty builds through engagement. So, connect, listen, communicate, and give. Treat customers and colleagues well. Treat people well. Check-in with your current and former clients. Build loyalty to build something sustainable.
Know When to Pause
Think about the musicians who have been successful for decades. We haven’t seen them touring and churning albums on repeat for their entire careers. Many have taken breaks. They are humans with lives outside of work. They traveled, left a band, went solo, rejoined a band, formed a new band, navigated loss, got married, went through breakups, had kids, nursed injuries, dealt with health issues, you get the idea. The point is their success hasn’t been a straight line of never taking a break from work in the public eye. Also, there is work transpiring behind the scenes we know nothing about. Just because we don’t “see” it does not mean it’s not happening.
Business Application: We weren’t born to do one thing, in a straight line. It’s okay to take a break from your career whenever and however you need or want to. A break can be an hour, a day, or years; it is your decision and your business. Taking a break does not mean you cannot manage pressure or the spotlight. It means you know how to manage your own life, career, and creative spirit. It means you know your priorities, wants, and needs. It means you embrace the ups and downs. It means you dare to create what you want. And for those who judge others for taking a break, instead of judging them, learn from them.
Reignite Creativity
A true rock star never loses their creative gifts. The innovative application of those gifts can shift over time. Look at Dave Grohl, the former drummer for Nirvana. His musical path commenced long before Nirvana. Similar to other talented creatives, Grohl had it in him as a kid. After Nirvana disbanded, he went on to form Foo Fighters (in the beginning as a one-man act). He wears multiple hats as the lead singer, songwriter, and guitarist. Think about Eminem who has talked publicly about his struggles. His ability to roll words off his tongue that somehow rhyme to a beat and make sense is impressive.
The list of examples goes on: The Beatles, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Cher, The Eagles, Elton John, Eminem, Fleetwood Mac, Guns N’ Roses, Gwen Stefani, Kiss, Led Zepplin, Madonna, Metallica, Motley Crue, Pink, Post Malone, Rush, The Rolling Stones, Tina Turner, Shania Twain, and more.
The point is this: When you are talented, you are talented. You may have been born with it; you may have amplified it through hard work. No one can take away someone else’s talent.
Business Application: When you have the “music” in you, it is in you. In this context, the path doesn’t matter. When you choose to move on to another job, company, or career, you put yourself on another path. When a company is sold, one road can end. When you launch a business, you are on a different path. Anyone with true talent amplified by a drive to deliver owns the ability to steer their career in a meaningful way.
Evolve Like a Rockstar
Musicians evolve; we all do. The businesses we lead need to evolve too. Through our experiences, we revitalize, innovate, and redefine. We can evolve like a rock star by connecting with our audience, channeling our gifts, building loyalty, pausing as needed, and reigniting creativity.
So, get inspired. Listen to music you enjoy. Create a new playlist. Channel your inner rockstar.
By Jennifer Musser
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